Pathfinder Health Team
Apr 16, 2024
Nurturing Your Child's Growth Through Developmental Activities
Developmental activities are specifically designed to engage children while also encouraging them to meet developmental milestones.

Paul Patterson, MD, FAAP
Jul 10, 2023
How Early Intervention Can Help Your Child Thrive
Early intervention can have a big impact. When they get the right services, kids have the best opportunity to reach their full potential.

Paul Patterson, MD, FAAP
Jun 9, 2023
Should You Screen Your Child's Development with the ASQ?
The ASQ is one of several reliable developmental screening tools that can identify areas of concern so a child can get help sooner.

Paul Patterson, MD, FAAP
Jun 2, 2023
The Critical Role of a Developmental Evaluation
Developmental evaluations are a critical part of monitoring a child's development and getting them any necessary help sooner.

Paul Patterson, MD, FAAP
Dec 27, 2022
When Should You Be Concerned About Your Child's Development?
Do you find yourself frequently wondering whether your child is developing as they should? Pathfinder Health is here to help! Although...

Paul Patterson, MD, FAAP
Dec 14, 2022
The Importance of Developmental Screening
When it comes to our children, we want to do everything possible to ensure that they are healthy and growing as expected. One way to do...

Paul Patterson, MD, FAAP
Dec 5, 2022
Developmental Monitoring: #MilestonesMatter
In the first 5 years, your baby's brain is growing and developing at an amazing rate, faster than at any other time in life. And how a...

Paul Patterson, MD, FAAP
Nov 30, 2022
Understanding Developmental Delays: How Parents Can Optimize Their Child's Outcome
Developmental delays are relatively common. In fact, of the nearly 4 million babies born every year, 20% will have some form of...

Paul Patterson, MD, FAAP
Nov 25, 2022
The Potential for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Developmental Healthcare
Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer program to learn and make decisions for itself. That might sound like science...

Paul Patterson, MD, FAAP
Nov 17, 2022
Tools for Autism Screening: The M-CHAT and POSI
If you're a parent, you've likely read about increasing rates of autism diagnoses in recent years and wondered how children are...

Paul Patterson, MD, FAAP
Oct 28, 2022
ASQ-3 vs. SWYC vs. PEDS: Which Screening Tool is Best?
You've probably heard of "developmental screening," but what does it actually entail? How often should your child be screened? What does...